Day 5:
Family Day. Mario was feeling poorly enough we decided to stay home from church. It honestly didn't take me very much convincing. It ended up being a crummy day outside but inside we were warm, clean, happy and together. Not much more to be asked for on a pleasant March morning. Sophia, on her quest for cooking experience, asked for me to teach her how to make scrambled eggs. I have a tendency to over explain things. In a completely unrelated sentiment, Sophia has a tendency to get anxious when I start explaining how to do things. I realized today that Sophia learns best as I do, through practice and experimentation. It is not so much that I don't/won't learn from the experiences of others and take instruction well. It is more that I find it difficult to conceptualize oral instructions. Practice allows me to take oral/written instruction and contextualize them. Everything else is just jibber jabber. I continue to learn more about myself through the experiences of my children.
I got a little work done...but not too much. I don't want to bee TOO efficient. I still need a long to do list to keep me up at night. We relaxed a bit and played Monopoly...because Mario likes money and wants to torture me. Somehow I, the worst person with money in the world, found a way to win. Then again, if I could figure out a way to make capitalism into a game, I could probably be a rich man. As it is, a dominating victory over little kids with 35 years of experience playing the game seems a little hollow. Note to self: let the kids win sometimes.
Started thinking about my next brewing project. I am thinking about making an IPA. I really have had limited success with IPAs so far. There is a first time for everything. I am also thinking about a cranberry hopped cider. I will follow up when I have made up my mind.
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